Had several ideas for the table for next year, either from my head or suggested by others:
1) I noticed that the table was a bit wobbly in places, and some structural work should probably be done to make it a more stable product:
a) Address thin airlock wall sandwiches (too tight to fit doors), either pull apart and put in 3/16 spacers or cut new doors out of thinner material
b) Add a few more structural columns pieces under large are floors of bays for stability
c) Reinforce end walls of large bays by adding spacers and a second wall section with detail facing out to make exterior look finished
i) Also ties into lighting and magnetizing ideas below as it provides wiring chase
ii) As this will add some structural stability I think that even if we don’t do lighting, this is a priority item for the longevity of the table
d) Add finish panels for exterior of bays over reinforcing pieces
i) Also ties into lighting/magnetizing
ii) As this will add some structural stability I think that even if we don’t do lighting, this is a priority item for the longevity of the table
2) Magnetizing corridors, so they stay stable during play and can be put together more easily
3) Add removable (magnetized?) airlock wall sandwiches for openings not in use by corridors
4) The next items are detailing that I think would make for a more finished looking product:
a) Add lighting (possible scenarior per brianw; get these wired together to a central location (the battery) that when blown up is removed and turn the lights out)
i) Get cut acrylic industrial lights (Warsenal standard or similar, of numbers to be determined) cut and mounted
ii) Drill holes in MDF walls of size to fit LEDs
iii) Run wiring hidden in new wiring chases
b) Pull off existing underfloor pipe rigs and finish by painting rigs as they show in places and add snake chain wiring (primed color) and draped across pipes in random fashion
c) Get a smaller MkII pipe rig cut and finish pipe runs under spine corridors
d) Add underfloor LED lighting to show of pipes a bit better
e) Add catwalks down on one side of spine corridors.
f) Get 3D panels cut/burned and add to wall walls, using squares on the walls as guides for location of mounting:
i) Ideas: Medkit, Wiring Panel, Locker, Computer terminal, A/C unit
g) Get larger 3D panels cut/burned that fit in between structural web columns in corridors along walls with closed hatch doors:
i) Ideas (if doors are labeled): Airlock, Stair, Crash Coffin, Maintenance
ii) Also thinking of trying to build a crash coffin and get several resin cast then mounting these in escape pod rigs fit in between structural web columns on corridor walls
h) Cut panels to sit by the floor openings
i) An option for adding a level of detail might be to get a bunch of plastruct checker deck and carefully cut it to square of the same size as the squares on the floor, then glue these down
5) Being worked up are the 2 sections I have had in my head since starting this
a) Bridge/Command
i) Enters from spinal corridor into small airlock are that has a catwalk, lift, and ladders up and down on side, a double layer of crash coffins on the other, and a central ramp down
ii) This breaks the bridge into 3 levels
iii) Level 1 central command dais, is surrounded a later of screens
iv) Outside this the floor is depressed, and a catwalk is added breaking the outer area into 2 levels of workstations screen
v) Working from the back of the room, by the doors to the front of the room:
a. Orbital Situation Room- maybe a couple areas with layers of screens, with burned in design of a planet outlined with orbits marked on it and different areas blown-up with readouts
b. Information Management- again a couple layers of screens, burned in designs of the Infinity hacking wheels
c. Engineering- next to Orbital Situation Room a couple burned in screens with schematics of ship
d. Communications- Next to Info with a burned ion planetside map Paradiso with some dots outlining incoming transmission
e. Engineering- next to Communications a couple burned in screens with schematics of ship
f. Helm- next to Orbital Situation Room, maybe a screens, with only a single orbital outline and maybe a few others as interceptor lines
g. Weapons- next to helm (again ship schematics with a few areas highlighted with designs)
h. Main screen
b) Engines/drive section
i) Again enters from spinal corridor into airlock area that has a catwalk, lift, and ladders up and down on side, a double layer of crash coffins on the other, and a central ramp down
ii) This engineering into 3 levels
iii) Level 1 is control room surrounded a later of screens
iv) Outside this the floor is depressed, and catwalks added breaking the outer area into 2 levels
v) Level 1 really may not be playable as it has the engines (either 2 big Torus or other type) fuel tanks, and piping running everywhere
vi) Level 2 is made up of 2-3 major catwalks running around the engines
vii) This area is mainly there to establish a look and will be sandwiched between 2 large drives
6) I also had a decent amount of feedback for detailed plug-ins to the bays:
a) Cargo Bay:
i) The easiest layout to, this just makes it formalized that one bay will be left open with terrain scatter of small crates, shipping containers, and a few scattered computer terminals
ii) The only add right now to this idea might be a few CADed/cut 2 story areas out of acrylic, with grill floors, structural struts, railings, stairs, a catwalk between them, and a lift looking thing in one corner
b) Launch Bay (Ships):
i) Using the 1-2 Spartan Scenic Aggressors, since I have one already:
shop.spartangames.co.uk/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SGSS11 ii) Idea 1:
a. Add a plug-in plate that makes a figure’s waist-high rectangular dais across one end of the bay.
b. The dais has a figure base size walkway around edge with, railings a few computer terminals and at least one fuel tank sitting along the edge as cover.
c. The center the dais floor is made up of 2 large hinged airlock doors with the Aggressor ship sitting in the middle.
d. Stairs lead up to the dais in in a few places, and a small lift is off to one side.
e. Main entry end is at the other end of the bay and off to one side is a set of stairs up to a control room.
f. Area terrain scatter small crate stacks.
iii) Idea 2 (similar to Idea 1), but more involved:
a. Add a plug-in plate that makes figure’s 2 waist-high dais across the entire bay (2 launch doors per idea 1 close to the walls) with a central small central lift to the dais and stairs leading up.
b. 2 Aggressor ships are mounted to the walls either pointing down or up (prepped for launch)
c. The 2 Aggressors are held in places by gantries, with stairs, lifts and catwalks at a couple of levels, fuel tanks may be added to the walls
d. To make op for the needed height a second bay pod is added on top the first and the gantries add extra layer of reinforcing to the walls from the interior to help this.
e. Have to check fit for control room in this layout.
f. Area terrain scatter small crate stacks.
c) Drop Bay (Mecha):
i) Similar to Launch bay above, but set-up for dropping military mecha (Salamanders/Fiddler/Etc.)
d) Mecha Factory
i) I think this ties into the cargo bay and drop bay ideas above breaking down the 6 bays making up the “ship” into in pairs working from those located next to engineering to those by the bridge
Cargo Bay, Foundry
Automated Assembly, Final Assembly
Drop Bay, Crew Quarters
ii) Cargo Bay- outline above (where raw materials come in and are stored)
iii) Foundry- this one needs some fleshing out
iv) Automated Assembly- this one needs some fleshing out
v) Final Assembly
a. broken into cubicles a few with partial TAGs mounted on racks on walls or hung rails only in cubicle overhead so they don’t interfere with play
b. Scatter is of workbenchs (with toolboxes/tools), lockers at end of cubicles, gang boxes, carts with parts (armored solder pieces), compressed gas tanks, etc.
vi) Drop Bay- outline above (final product dropped planet-side to customers)
vii) Crew quarters- see below
viii) Spine corridor (light rail system between bays with + intersections set up as stations) e) Crew quarters
i) For playability sake this may either be a 2 story lift of second floor or could just feature a raised centered floor area in the bay, surrounded by catwalks with ladders with the lower level as mechanical
ii) I probably just pull directly from Spartan Scenic to fill out rooms
a. Barracks
b. Med Bay
c. Armory
f) Hydroponics
i) Pretty simple to do; alternating 1”-1.5” walkways and growing tubs
ii) To reflect Zero-G environment growing tubs are in racks than extend up into the bay a few stories and have plants growing both up and down out of them
iii) To break it up the center of this area is a large A/C unit with fans facing out, access panels and, maintenance hatches on faces
iv) Above A/C is a lab (stairs leading up into it from some of the pant rows, glass is angled out, computer terminals, standing screens and lab equipment (looking at Spartan med lab without the beds and cryogenic tubes)
shop.spartangames.co.uk/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SGSS07 g) Brig (since GenCon will be doing Morat prison break, this may be scrapped)
i) Broken up per an 1800’s era prison
ii) 2 cell blocks of scaled 8’x8’ cells (with 2 cots, barred door)
iii) Outside of cells is 2 layers of walks (prisoner walk/bars/guard walk)
iv) End of blocks is toilets and feeding