Post by jmeis982 on Feb 7, 2014 21:45:34 GMT -6
I have no idea what army to play tomorrow
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Post by kelreth on Feb 7, 2014 23:52:12 GMT -6
I think I'm going QK cause Bakunin I don't have the models for
Post by jmeis982 on Feb 8, 2014 6:15:17 GMT -6
I'm leaning mrrf but might play bak or nomads or corr
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Post by Angron on Feb 9, 2014 9:59:09 GMT -6
Thanks all who came out.
Does any one feel 1/2 hour was not enough time to adjust your army?
Post by scadugenga on Feb 9, 2014 11:15:20 GMT -6
Outside of switching an authorized bounty hunter for a spec ops in round two. My list didn't change, I don't think Nate changed his list either.
Did anyone change up their lists?
Post by brianw on Feb 10, 2014 7:30:14 GMT -6
Well it's a bit tough for those of us without pads or phones to easily change the list. But not impossible.
Post by kelreth on Feb 10, 2014 9:41:50 GMT -6
I dropped a vanilla muyib for a Spec Ops vanilla muyib....so no change?
There wasn't really a reason for me to change my list. I had enough specialists to do secret objectives and enough murder to take down the other side (minus TAGs and Camo...apparently).
Though my last game mostly came down to me not being able to handle someone starting at the midline with Krazy Kaloas in my face, which is a hell of a good way to throw off your opponent.
Post by Angron on Feb 10, 2014 9:55:32 GMT -6
I have a code for the tourney. Should have it input by tomorrow.
Post by kelreth on Feb 10, 2014 10:30:20 GMT -6
Sweet, then we can be even more confused about ELO
Post by brianw on Feb 10, 2014 10:44:27 GMT -6
Ug I did not have a good day with my force. I did some stupid things but the dice were not with me either. I think the dice knew I didn't really want to play my Shasvastii, but my Nomads are just not ready yet. Plus I didn't want to play something I hardly knew yet for a tournament. But at least they were mostly painted. I think me and JP were the only ones with at least a half painted army. You guys need to get in gear!
Post by Angron on Feb 10, 2014 11:40:21 GMT -6
Eric played an army that wasn't his
I think Scadungengas army was 1/2 painted
I had no intention of playing
Kelreths army was half painted
I didn't see sphendules army
And turlisk had a completely painted army
Post by jmeis982 on Feb 10, 2014 12:01:05 GMT -6
The only model I used that wasn't finished was the dozer
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Post by brianw on Feb 10, 2014 12:07:20 GMT -6
I'm hopping I can get some Nomads painted for the next tournament and pick up a few more figs too. Thanks for the Trades guys!
Post by scadugenga on Feb 10, 2014 20:56:08 GMT -6
The painted stuff were minis I used in Adepticon 2012. The other stuff (sans spec ops) were mostly assembled the night before, (or in the case do the Reaktion Zond, reassembled).
I'm not a very good painter, so it's usually not my go to activity of choice. I have eldar from 1989 still waiting to be painted.
However a new airbrush will hopefully change my perspective.
Post by scadugenga on Feb 10, 2014 20:59:50 GMT -6
I dropped a vanilla muyib for a Spec Ops vanilla muyib....so no change? There wasn't really a reason for me to change my list. I had enough specialists to do secret objectives and enough murder to take down the other side (minus TAGs and Camo...apparently). Though my last game mostly came down to me not being able to handle someone starting at the midline with Krazy Kaloas in my face, which is a hell of a good way to throw off your opponent. I wanted to try a more psychological warfare kind of game. It was interesting, but wow, do infiltrating minelayers and koalas really give an advantage in the new ITS.